Breakfast & Lunch

Hungry students don’t learn

In a community where 32% of the population lives under the Federal Poverty Line, McCurdy Ministries Community Center (MMCC) is committed to making sure hunger is not a barrier to learning.  MMCC is the vendor for the McCurdy Charter School Breakfast and Lunch Program and we also feed our preschoolers every school day.  Although the majority of meal cost is reimbursed by USDA, McCurdy Ministries financially supports this program because federal reimbursements are not enough to feed our children the healthiest of meals.  For the 2017-18 school year MMCC fed 4728 breakfasts and 49,221 lunches to our preschool and K-12 students. Research shows that hungry children don’t learn, so we know this aspect of our ministry is critical.  More importantly our breakfast and lunch program reflects the importance of Jesus’ command to, “Feed my sheep.”  We have expanded this program to include snacks for After School Care, Project Cariño and our new Adult Education Program.  We thank the donors that help make sure there are not hungry students on our campus.

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McCurdy Ministries Community Center
362A S. McCurdy Rd, Espanola, NM 87532


©2018. All Rights Reserved. McCurdy Ministries

McCurdy Schools of Northern New Mexico is a registered non-profit organization. The corporation also does business as McCurdy Ministries